It is best to travel with USDollar from India. Indonesian local currency is Indonesian Rupee (IDR).
Conversion Rate from:
1 Indian Rupee = 190 IDR Indonesian Ruppees
1 US Dollar = 15900 IDR Indonesian Rupees

USD is a best currency to carry Indonesia but also can be carried major currencies like Pound, Canadian dollar, Australian Dollar, Newzealand Dollar, Euro etc. In Bali one can have best conversion rates from any currencies to Indonesian Rupees than any other city of Indonesia.
You can change any currency anywhere without any difficulty so there is probably no need to worry. Hotels and Banks will give you a lower rate – though not by much – than the myriad Money changers in the street stalls and shops. Generally the latter will quote one of two rates: the higher rate will have commission deducted from the total, the lower rate does not. In the end there is very little difference between the two.
If you are in restaurant and your food bill is Rupees 100000, don’t get shocked -its just 7 US Dollar.
Happy Journey / Bon Voyage……